541. The processor is connected with the help of other devices
(A) Hub
(B) wire
(C) Jeep
(D) Bus
Correct Answer: Bus
542. Bus are of three types, tell the name____
(A) Address bus, data bus, control bus
(B) air bus, water bus, stitched bus
(C) Tata, Ashok, Swaraj
(D) Control, Data, Air
Correct Answer: Address Bus, Data Bus, Control Bus
543. What is the only way to send the data or where to take it.
(A) Data Bus
(B) Address bus
(C) air buses
(D) the control bus
Correct Answer: Address Bus
544. Which bus is used simply to send or receive signals for processor, input / output device and memory coordination?
(A) Data Bus
(B) Address bus
(C) control bus
(D) air buses
Correct Answer: Data Bus
545. How the data is recorded in a magnetic tape
(A) as counting
(B) in the form of a song
(C) Electro magnetic flutter
(D) In ??the form of electric flutter
Correct Answer: Electro-magnetic flutter
546. That form of vibration exists in the tape.
(A) Invisible Spot
(B) Visual spots
(C) Color spot
(D) Black spot
Correct Answer: Invisible Spot
547. How data is obtained.
(A) Identifying the magnetic spot on the tape
(B) Identifying black spot on tape
(C) Counting the spot on the tape
(D) None of these
Correct Answer: Identifying the magnetic spot on the tape
548. What is the magnetic tape?
(A) Magnetic substance coated plastic ribbon
(B) Simple plastic ribbon
(C) magnetized ribbon
(D) None of these
Correct Answer: Magnetic substance coated plastic ribbon
549. What is the computer software ?
(A) Set of Instructions
(B) Language of the computer
(C) Computer program
(D) None of these
Correct Answer- Set of Instructions
550. What is the purpose of the software
(A) Running a commuter
(B) Play chess
(C) Accomplishing mathematical and logical ability of hardware
(D) None of these
Correct Answer – Accomplishing mathematical and logical ability of hardware
551. Computer software can be classified into two categories.
(A) Systems Software and Application Software
(B) Hard Software & Soft Software
(C) Game Software & Math Software
(D) None of these
Correct Answer – System software and application software
552. The computer itself can not think and can not decide that the program needs to be done to accomplish this work. What is the program?
(A) A group of information
(B) The program is outlined
(C) Mode of running the computer
(D) A set of instructions in sequence which guides the computer to solve the problem
Correct Answer- A set of instructions, which guides the computer to solve the problem.
553. What is programming?
(A) To run the program
(B) To create programs
(C) Program writing process
(D) None of these
Correct Answer – Program writing process
554. What is system software ?
(A) System software
(B) Computer software
(C) Set of designed program for increasing , accessing and controlling the processing capacity of computer
(D) None of these
Correct Answer – Set of designed program for increasing , accessing and controlling the processing capacity of computer
555. What is the application software?
(A) Instructions for running the game software
(B) Instructions for running the program
(C) None of these
(D) Instructions given to computer to solve the problem with the help of system software
Correct Answer- Instructions given to computer to solve the problem with the help of system software