526. The data of optical disk is read with the help of which.
(A) Reader
(B) Book
(C) Photo Electric Sensor
(D) Photo Reader
Correct Answer: Photo Electric Sensor
527. CD ROM is the example of which of the following ?
(A) Magnetic tape
(B) Winchester disk
(C) optical memory
(D) magnetic disk
Correct Answer: Optical Memory
528. CD ROM comes from which of the following categories ?
(A) Non-Irreplaceable Optical disk
(B) Irregular Optical disk
(C) Non-erectable optical disks
(D) Erectable Optical disk
Correct Answer: Non-Irreplaceable Optical disk
529. Which of the following is true about CD ROM?
(A) CD ROM can collect minimum data
(B) Duplication of CDROM is possible on a large scale
(C) Writing on CD Rom is also impossible
(D) None of these
Correct Answer: Duplication of CD-ROM is possible on a large scale
530.Worm is a type of optical memory, its full form.
(A) Write ones Read Memory
(B) Write Ones Rugged Memory
(C) Writet optical read memory
(D) None of these
Correct Answer: Write ones Read Memory
531. Worm also comes in the category of CD. What is its specialty?
(A) It is possible to write it again and again
(B) It is possible to write it once
(C) It is possible to write it twice
(D) None of these
Correct Answer: It is possible to write this once
532. It is possible to write on WORM with the help of the which ?
(A) With normal intensity laser rays
(B) High intensity laser rays
(C) From simple graphite to pencil
(D) With a simple ink pen
Correct Answer: With normal intensity laser rays
533. What is the most current optical disk now?
(A) Magnetic disk
(B) Irregular Optical disk
(C) Non-irreplaceable optical disks
(D) None of these
Correct Answer: Irregular Optical disk
534. Erasable optical disk works on which technology ?
(A) Electro Magnetic System
(B) Mechanical Systems
(C) Magneto optical system
(D) Electro optical system
Correct Answer: Magneto Optical System
535. What is the specialty of the erasable optical disk.
(A) It is possible to write it once
(B) It is possible to delete it once and to write it again and again
(C) It is not possible to write on it
(D) It is possible to read on
Correct Answer: It is possible to delete it once and to write it again and again
536. what is called for High speed memory ?
(A) alpha memory
(B) Beta memory
(C) Gamma memory
(D) Cash Memory
Correct Answer: Cache Memory
537. What is cache memory?
(A) Fast memory between C. P.U. and Main Memory
(B) Slow memory located between CPU and main storage
(C) Direct memory
(D) Indirect memory
Correct Answer: Fast memory between C. P.U. and Main Memory
538. Cache memory is very fast in memory and in size ……………
(A) Very large
(B) Small
(C) Medium
(D) None of these
Correct Answer: Small
539.Cache Memory works between the main memory and CPU in which way ?
(A) Like buffer
(B) Like Storekeeper
(C) Like Gunner
(D) Like Brother
Correct Answer: Like buffer
540. What is bus.
(A) A circuit that provides communication path for two or more devices.
(B) There is a car that travels everywhere
(C) There is a circuit that is installed on the bus
(D) None of these
Correct Answer: A circuit that provides communication path for two or more devices.