296. Each instruction in the computer’s vocabulary is a code. What is the unit that changes this code into a fixed control signal?
A) Control Unit
B) Logic unit
C) Program Unit
D) Operation Unit
Correct Answer: Control Unit
297. ALU and CU are the part of whose ?
A) Central Processing Unit
B) Central pump Unit
C) Central People’s Unit
D) None of these
Correct Answer: Central Processing Unit
298. What is the computer’s control center?
A) Central Processing Unit
B) Monitor
C) Keyboard
D) Printer
Correct Answer: Central Processing Unit
299. The capacity of a CPU is measured in ______
D) None of these
Correct Answer: MIPS
300. MIPS whose short form is.
A) Millions images per Seconds
B) Million Instructions per Seconds
C) More Instructions per Seconds
D) None of these
Correct Answer: Million Instructions per Seconds
301. In the area of ? CPU, Where all the mathematical and logical processes are calculated is called ___________
A) Process Zone
B) store
C) logic unit
D) register
Correct Answer: Logic Unit
302. The size of the register will be as much as the processing speed.
A) Will be slow
B) Will be sharp
C) It will remain as it is
D) None of these
Correct Answer: Will be sharp
303. Under the integrated circuit technique, how many gates are there on a chip in the medium scale integration.
A) Fifty
B) Hundreds
C) Thousands
D) Millions
Correct Answer: Hundreds
304. How many gates are there on a chip in a large scale integration ?
A) 1000
B) 2000
C) 3000
D) 4000
Correct Answer: 1000
305. How many gates are there on one chip in Very Large Scale integration?
A) 100,000,000
B) 111,111,111
C) 200,000,000
D) None of these
Correct Answer: 100,000,000
306. What was the most significant impact of VLSI technology.
A) It is possible to create full CPU or main memory on a single chip
B) To become a complete CPU on the same chip
C) Computer costs are expensive
D) None of these
Correct Answer: It is possible to create full CPU or main memory on a single chip
307. When did Intel succeed in keeping all the components on a single chip?
A) 1968 AD
B) 1970 AD
C) 1969 AD
D) 1971 AD
Correct Answer: 1971 AD
308. A single chip processor is also called ……… ..
A) Microprocessor
B) macro processor
C) transistor
D) Valve
Correct Answer: Microprocessor
309. Which was the first micro processor.
A) Intel 4004
B) Intel 4005
C) Intel 100
D) Intel 200
Correct Answer: Intel 4004
310. Intel 4004 was an old-fashioned micro processor. It was made with special purpose. In 1974 the first common-use microprocessor came. What was that?
A) Intel 7070
B) Intel 5050
C) Intel 6060
D) Intel 8080
Correct Answer: Intel 8080