Computer fundamentals language related objective questions

Computer Fundamentals Part – 36 (in English)

571. What is called for information that is feed in the computer? A. Data B. Word Verb C. Information D. None of these Answer – A) data 572. How many types of system software are. Name it. A. good and bad B. First generation and second generation C. Single User and Multi User D. None

Computer Fundamentals Part – 36 (in English)

Computer Fundamentals Part – 34 (in English)

541. The processor is connected with the help of other devices (A) Hub (B) wire (C) Jeep (D) Bus Correct Answer: Bus 542. Bus are of three types, tell the name____ (A) Address bus, data bus, control bus (B) air bus, water bus, stitched bus (C) Tata, Ashok, Swaraj (D) Control, Data, Air Correct Answer:

Computer Fundamentals Part – 34 (in English)

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