146. What is the full form of FTP ?
a) Foreign Transfer Program
b) Founder Transfer Protocol
c) File Transfer Protocol
d) None of these
Correct Ans: c) File Transfer Protocol
147. FTP is used in what work ?
a) File to send
b) To handle files
c) Finding notifications from the file library and archive
d) None of these
Correct Ans: c) Finding notifications from the file library and archive
148. FTP work in two modes to show their names —
a) Upload and Download
b) Direct and Indirect
c) Transfer and Postings
d) None of these
Correct Ans: a) Upload and Download
149. FTP clients are of two type , Tell the name —
a) Graphical user interface and Line Mode
b) Regular and Annonies
c) Servers and Users
d) None of these
Correct Ans: a) Graphical user interface and Line Mode
150. Mouse or Arrow is used to select the option under what type of FTP client.
a) Graphical user interface FTP
b) Line Mode FTP
c) Both
d) None of these
Correct Ans: a) Graphical user interface FTP
151. TELNET Whose short form is –
a) Teleprinter Network
b) Telephone Network
c) Television Network
d) Teletype Network
Correct Ans: d) Teletype Network
152. What does the TELNET program do?
a) To allows the log on onto Remote host machine .
b) connects to the on-line database and library catalog
c) Both are true
d) Both are unreal
Correct Ans: c) Both are true
153. TELNET program was developed for whom ?
a) Nick net
b) ARPANET technology
c) bitnet
d) None of these
Correct Ans: b) ARPANET technology
154. Where did the internet start ?
a) India
b) Sudan
c) United states
d) Brazil
Correct Ans: c) United states
155. Who give financial help to the internet project ?
a) Ministry of Communication of India
b) United State Department of Defense
c) Computer Department of Malaysia
d) None of these
Correct Ans: b) United State Department of Defense
156. Bluetooth technology makes possible.
A) Wireless communication between devices
B) Signal transmission on mobile phones
C) Mobile phone communication from landline
D) Satellite Television Communication
Answer- (a) Wireless communication between devices
157. What is intranet.
A) Space used for the transfer of information Internet
B) Interiors network used to transfer information to external company
C) Interiors network used to transfer information between two organizations
D) None of these
Answer- (c) Interiors network used to transfer information between two organizations
158. There is a computer connecting two networks.
A) Link
B) server
C) Gateway
D) None of these
Answer- (c) Gateway
159. Server computers are those which provide a solution to another computer connected to …….
A) Mainframe
B) Network
C) Clint
D) None of these
Answer- (b) Network
160. An external institute is used to allow access to internal web pages.
A) Eccentet
B) Internet
C) Intranet
D) Hacker
Answer- (c) Intranet